In the book, Bronx Masquerade, students at a highschool school get a chance to share poems that they've written every Friday. As time progresses the characters become more open with their poetry, and it allows not only the reader but the other characters to get to know him/her more. By listening to other people's poems, and writing their own poems, they start to change more throughout the book. One of the students that has changed throughout the book is Diondra Jordan.
In the beginning of the story, Diondra starts out as a very shy person that is self-conscious about showing off her artwork. In the story it said, "I'm an artist, like Raul. This difference is I don't tell anybody. I refuse to give them new reasons to laugh at me.". This shows that she is self conscious about what she loves doing. In the book she also said, "I've been drawing since I can't remember when. Not that anyone where knows that..." This shows that Diondra is shy about taking pride in her artwork, unlike Raul is. It also shows that she hasn't broken out of her shell, and has walls surrounding herself.
As the story progresses, Diondra slowly started to show off her art and breaks out of her shell. In the story she says, "He's part of the reasons I don't mind people looking at my drawings anymore." This shows that Raul (who she was talking about) has inspired her to not keep her talent a secret. In the book she also said, "The drawing was good. The eyes did look right through you. Maybe I should try working on the rest of the face." This shows that after a while she has started gaining confidence is her art. In Diondra's poem, High Dive, she states, "I take a deep breath, dip the tip of mu my brush into sky, take one long leap and ... to be continued". This shows that she is becoming more open with her classmates, and is giving them a look into how she feels about her artwork. In her last chapter she had art school brochures and wanted to get a scholarship to an art school. This shows that she has become more open and confident, especially with the idea of sharing her art to other people.
Overall, Diondra has changed because she became more confident with herself and was less shy by the end of the story. In the beginning of the story, she didn't like to show her work, and kept it a secret because she thought she would get made fun of. At the end of the story, she realized that her art was good, and stepped out of her comfort zone and started sharing her art. She has changed because she overcame her shyness, and self consciousness.
The elements of a story effect each other in many ways. The setting influences how the characters act, talk, and think, and what conflicts they are going to have regarding the setting. The plot influences what the setting is going to be, and what conflicts are going to make up the story. The conflict effects how the characters are going to act, and what setting the story iso going to be taking place in. The characters effect what the setting is going to be, and what the conflicts are going to be like. Each one ties into another one, it's basically the term 'vice versa' over and over again. In conclusion, they're all connected somehow.

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